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Dan Reed

Dan Reed

no responses. July 6, 2017 DRandall

News: DAN REED – new album and tour dates (September 2017)

News: DAN REED – new album and tour dates (September 2017)

Dan Reed’s fourth solo album ‘Confessions’ will be available for worldwide pre-order through the Dan Reed Store from Wednesday 5th July, before it is officially released […]

Dan Reed Network

no responses. February 26, 2017 DRandall

News: DAN REED NETWORK – UK tour and radio interview (26 February 2017)

News: DAN REED NETWORK – UK tour and radio interview (26 February 2017)

In this interview edit Dan Reed chats about the forthcoming UK tour starting 1 March. (2:56) This is extracted from a recent interview for Get Ready […]

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