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Month: August 2017

Graham Bonnet

no responses. August 24, 2017 DRandall

News: GRAHAM BONNET – interview, new album and more UK dates (August 2017)

News: GRAHAM BONNET – interview, new album and more UK dates (August 2017)

Graham Bonnet starts work in September on a new album, following the release of the well-received ‘The Book’ in 2016.  He’s also lined up for some […]

Ian Anderson - Jethro Tull

no responses. August 14, 2017 DRandall

News: JETHRO TULL celebrate 50 year anniversary with UK tour in April 2018

News: JETHRO TULL celebrate 50 year anniversary with UK tour in April 2018

In this extract, Ian Anderson chats about the 2018 tour plans (6:10) Sunday 3 September 2017, The Pete Feenstra Feature, 20:00 Tuesday 4 September, 16:00; Thursday […]

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