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Pete Feenstra and Wrinkly Rockers Club

no responses. January 16, 2023 DRandall

News: Pete Feenstra wins Wrinkly Award (January 2023)

News: Pete Feenstra wins Wrinkly Award (January 2023)

Get Ready to ROCK! presenter Pete Feenstra won a further award for second year running, in January 2023 Pete was awarded the “Best Podcast” for his […]

Pete Feenstra and Wrinkly Rockers Club

no responses. January 6, 2022 DRandall

News: Pete Feenstra wins Wrinkly Award (January 2022)

News: Pete Feenstra wins Wrinkly Award (January 2022)

A further award came the way of Get Ready to ROCK! Radio presenter Pete Feenstra in late December 2021. Pete was awarded the “Best Podcast” for […]

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